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<h1>Insurtech is the name of the game in the second edition of our new E-Book series.</h1>
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<p><br>Technology is no longer a competitive advantage. It is fast becoming just a ticket to the game. With Insurtech driving a holistic digitisation process that impacts, challenges and disrupts conventional thinking.</p>
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<p>PWC, in a recent report titled – Ready and Willing: African insurance industry poised for growth, noted the following: “Technology and data are now considered the most important global trend disrupting the industry”.</p>
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<p>This year COVER brought together more than 13 Insurtech founders and 10 enablers on one platform for South Africa’s oldest Insurtech Conference. In this edition of our E-Book we have put together some of the information shared by these founders and enablers at our conference.</p>
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<h3 class="has-text-align-center"><a href="https://servedbyadbutler.com/redirect_alink.spark?ALID=9788&ID=169427">Download the Insurtech E-Book</a></h3>
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