October 29, 2020

InsureTalk 8

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<p>2020 has certainly taken us on a road we could never have expected or planned! In many instances we have all grown personally and professionally, learning to adapt to situations we never anticipated. This year has been tough - for sure - but if we reflect on the past couple of months, it has provided individuals the opportunity to be closer to their families, take time to learn new skills and the digital space has made interaction with people even easier.</p>

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<h3>InsureTalk8 will include the following topics:</h3>

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<ul><li>Reflection on the year that was 2020 - It’s time to learn, unlearn and relearn and embrace the future</li><li>The new skillsets, tools and mindset required to navigate the “unknown” future</li><li>Economic outlook and business opportunities</li><li>How to build your business to thrive in a crisis</li></ul>

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<p><strong>Date:</strong> Nov 26, 2020 10:00 AM</p>

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<p><strong>CPD:</strong> 2.5 CPD hours.</p>

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<p><strong>Cost:</strong> Free</p>

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<h3>Register to attend InsureTalk8 free of charge by clicking <a aria-label="undefined (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Here.</a></h3>

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<p><strong>Thank you to our partners</strong></p>

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<p>InsureTalk has grown over the past eight months to become a must-attend event in insurance professionals’ diaries. For that we thank all our sponsors and partners as success can only be achieved when the industry stands together.</p>

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Outlook Edition: 2023

Our own local woes, with load shedding, crime and unemployment set the stage for another year where agility and adversity management will be key to survival. Our January issue is packed with interesting thoughts on the year to come, the challenges and the opportunities that we face.

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