April 21, 2020

Webinar - A Long Term Strategic View of Insurance, Post COVID-19

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<h2><strong><em>COVER</em> is facilitating a 90 minute webinar, in partnership with <a href=""""><em>LearnOn</em></a> with <a href=""""><em>Click2Sure</em></a> being the client.</strong></h2>

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<p><strong>Date:</strong> 28 April</p>

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<p><strong>Time:</strong> 4pm - 5:30pm</p>

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<p><strong>Platform:</strong> Zoom ( registration is required )</p>

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<p><strong>Cost:</strong> Free</p>

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<p>We have been bombarded by comments and opinions on the immediate and medium-term impact of COVID-19, especially around operational issues and sustainability measures. However, the future success of the industry will lie in being able to unpack the systemic changes that will result from this global pandemic, affecting current and long-term strategic planning.</p>

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<h3><strong>Some of the fascinating issues on the table will be:</strong></h3>

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<ul><li>Will there be a shift in client behaviour, when it comes to deciding on and buying insurance?</li><li>Will there be a significant enough change in retail models to push insurers to reconsider their business models?</li><li>Should we revisit the way we approach financial wellbeing in the mass market, especially when it comes to risk mitigation?</li><li>What possible systemic changes could we see developing over the longer term?</li><li>Should we reconsider how we develop insurance strategy after this?</li></ul>

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<h3><strong>You will hear from:</strong></h3>

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<p><strong>Dr Johan Strümpfer</strong> - Business Consultant and Visiting Professor at The Graduate School of Business, UCT. He was also engaged in research on systems thinking, approaches to problem solving in a social and organisational context, and social systems thinking, while a research Fellow at Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA</p>

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<p><strong>Jeremy Leach</strong> - Recognised as a global expert in mobile financial services with a particular expertise in microinsurance and digital insurance, he is also CEO/ and Founder of Inclusivity Solutions</p>

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<p><strong>Daniel Guasco</strong> - CEO and Founder of Click2Sure. He has been instrumental in growing the E-commerce industry in South Africa by, amongst others, developing Groupon into one of Africa's leadingt E-commerce companies. Daniel also holds an MBA from London Business School and a Qualification from Singularity University.</p>

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<p><strong>Greenlight Reinsurance Panelist</strong> - (Cayman Islands) Established in 2004, Greenlight Re is a NASDAQ listed company with specialist property and casualty reinsurance companies based in the Cayman Islands and Ireland. Greenlight Re provides risk management products and services to the insurance, reinsurance and other risk marketplaces. The Company focuses on delivering risk solutions to clients and brokers by whom Greenlight Re’s expertise, analytics and customer service offerings are demanded. With an emphasis on deriving superior returns from both sides of the balance sheet, Greenlight Re manages its assets according to a value-oriented equity-focused strategy that supports the goal of long-term growth in book value per share.</p>

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Outlook Edition: 2023

Our own local woes, with load shedding, crime and unemployment set the stage for another year where agility and adversity management will be key to survival. Our January issue is packed with interesting thoughts on the year to come, the challenges and the opportunities that we face.

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