September 21, 2020

2020 Retirement and Investment Online seminar

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<p>This is a two-part virtual seminar.</p>

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<p>Kobus Kuhn delivered his session on 17th September 2020 on the Retirement section of this seminar which is available to all registrants on the e-learning portal.</p>

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<p>The Investment section will be presented on 28th September 2020 at 13h15 by Lara Warburton.</p>

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<p><strong>Lara Warburton</strong>:</p>

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<p>BCom Honours HDip Tax CDP. Independent financial planner for 17 years (FPI Approved Professional Practice), and previosuly in investment industry for 10 years. FPI technical Committee Member. Passionate about integrity in our industry, and importance of understandable full disclosure as opposed to over-regulation that confuses clients. </p>

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<p><strong>Date:</strong> Monday, 28 September 2020<br><strong>Time:</strong> 13h25 - 16h30<br><strong>CPD:</strong> 4 Verifiable Technical CPD Hours<br><strong>Cost:</strong> R 750.00 Members, R 900.00 Non-members</p>

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<div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-button__link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Register here</a></div>

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<h4>Programme - 28th September 2020</h4>

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<p><strong>13:15</strong> Introduction and Welcome by the FPI.<br><strong>13:30</strong> A look into the future of Investments and Returns to expect, based on the economy and effects of COVID.<br><strong>14:30</strong> Overseas Investment options and different vehicles available to invest in internationally.<br><strong>15:30</strong> Tax Effects on Investments (local and various international investments vehicles).<br><strong>16:00 </strong>BEE Investment Vehicles available in South Africa.<br><strong>16:30</strong> Closure.</p>

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