October 1, 2020

OESAI conference 2020

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<h2><strong><em>Collaboration towards a Sustainable Insurance Sector in Africa</em></strong></h2>

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<p>OESAI is hosting its 2020 Conference as a virtual event on the 23rd October 2020. The Annual OESAI Conference has become the premier insurance event in Eastern and Southern Africa attracting 450 delegates in 2019. As a result of the COVID19 pandemic, OESAI is making this conference a virtual event this year, in cognisant of the current travel restrictions around the globe.</p>

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<p>The only platform you will have this year to meet and exchange ideas ahead of one of the most extra-ordinary renewals in recent history.</p>

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<p>Our speakers will share with us the opportunities presented by innovation and what steps can be taken to catalyze the role of technology, ESG implementation and Regional regulators/supervisors in transforming and attaining sustainability in the sector.</p>

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<p><strong>Date:</strong> Friday  23rd October 2020 </p>

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<p><strong>Time:</strong> 10 AM EAT | 9 AM SAT | 7 AM GMT</p>

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<p><strong>Cost:</strong> OESAI Members free | Non- Members USD 100</p>

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<h2><strong><a aria-label="undefined (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">REGISTER NOW</a></strong></h2>

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<h3><strong>Innovation and Digitisation Panel Survey  </strong></h3>

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<p>Please take 10 minutes to complete the online survey regarding digitisation. Results will be shared at the conference. </p>

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<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>COVER Advisory Survey</strong></a></p>

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<ul><li><strong>Building a resilient African Insurance Market</strong> – this will include discussion around Climate/Pandemic & other emerging Risks, integrating ESG Factors into Underwriting technical Capacity in the sector to achieve sustainability.</li><li><strong>Digital Innovation in the Insurance Sector</strong> – This will include discussion around Insurance data & Modelling, Product Design, Pricing and Distribution</li><li><strong>Regulation </strong>– Creating a conducive and responsive regulatory landscape in the Insurance sector, Key Regulatory changes across Africa, Sustainable Regulatory Support, Compliance, harmonization of the regulatory environment in Africa.</li></ul>

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<h3>Facilitators and Speakers:</h3>

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<p><strong>Dr. Corneille Karekezi, Group MD & CEO, Africa Re</strong>, will facilitate the Sustainable Regulatory Support Panel.</p>

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<ul><li>Dr. Mohamed Omran, Chairman Financial Regulatory Authority, Egypt</li><li>Godfrey Kiptum, Commissionaer of Insurance Kenya</li><li>L.Grace Mohamed, Commissioner at NAMFISA, Namibia</li><li>Sunday Thomas, Commissioner for Insurance, Nigeria</li><li>Dr. Grace Muradzikwa, Commissioner at Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC) in Zimbabwe</li></ul>

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<p><strong>Cassim Hansa, Group head Underwriting and claims, Continental-Re</strong>, will facilitate the Building a Resilient African Insurance Market Panel. </p>

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<ul><li>Dr. Bronwyn Clair, Senior Programme Manager, Climate Wise/CISL</li><li>Dr. Ceasar Mwangi, CEO, ICEA Lion</li><li>Lesley Ndlovu, CEO, Africa Risk Capacity</li><li>Mia Thom, Technical Director, Cenfri's Risk</li></ul>

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<p><strong>Tony Van Niekerk, Editor, COVER</strong>, will facilitate the Digital Innovation in the Insurance Sector Panel</p>

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<ul><li><strong>Insurance data - Gateway to Innovation</strong> - Kali Bagary, CEO & Founder, The Data Company</li><li><strong>Product Design, Modelling & Pricing - </strong>Greg Becker, Independent Actuarial Consultant</li><li><strong>Strategic Digitisation</strong> - Bruce Sahd, COVER Advisory & Independent Digitisation Consultant</li><li><strong>Micro Insurance Innovation & Distribution</strong> - Alfred Kissiedu, Founder, Redpear Communications Ghana</li><li><strong>Alternative risk transfer -</strong> Costain Nikisi,  Captive Manager, Short Term Operations, Swan Short Term Operations</li></ul>

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<h2><a aria-label="undefined (opens in a new tab)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">REGISTER NOW</a></h2>

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<h2 class="has-text-align-center">Thank you to OESAI Conference Sponsors:</h2>

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