April 6, 2020

TransUnion to host COVID-19 Playbook webinar

COVID-19 has severe implications for global growth and businesses everywhere. Despite the tough and proactive stance taken by the South African government, we could see an infection rate of up to 70%. Early predictions indicate prolonged economic distress and a potential 5% contraction in GDP. This will have far-reaching effects on the credit landscape. Questions abound and TransUnion is here to help.

Our goal is to help you navigate effectively and be well positioned to respond quickly to the changing market.

<strong>The webinar will address:</strong>


<li>Data-driven insights, forecasts and scenarios</li><li>Potential impact on lending, fraud, insurance, marketing and digital strategies</li><li>How to mitigate the risk of the pandemic and navigate this period of uncertainty</li><li>How TransUnion’s unique solutions and tools can assist in managing your portfolios while identifying additional business opportunities</li>


Speakers include Lee Naik, TransUnion Africa regional president; Carmen Williams, TransUnion Africa director of financial services, research and consulting; Tim Collins, TransUnion Africa vice president of solutions and Lisa Thomas, TransUnion Africa senior director of marketing.

<strong>Date:</strong> 7 April 2020

<strong>Time:</strong> 11:00am - 12:00 ( 1 Hour )

<strong>Click <a href="" data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&amp;ust=1586271236645000&amp;usg=AFQjCNHecmKK_10GSjZh7jiSEggpYx282w">here</a> to register and also get more information on the speakers.</strong>


Outlook Edition: 2023

Our own local woes, with load shedding, crime and unemployment set the stage for another year where agility and adversity management will be key to survival. Our January issue is packed with interesting thoughts on the year to come, the challenges and the opportunities that we face.

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