July 7, 2020

Flight of COVID-19

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<h2>The return of the risk horsemen </h2>

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<p>They are back!<br>Join the 5 Horsemen in putting the Magic back into Risk Management…</p>

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<p>At the Master Class, hosted in 2017, the IRMSA members had some fun putting together a theatrical approach to a normal conference day which really made delegates sit up and take note! IRMSA produced a morning of fun where some of our seasoned risk professionals became the 5 Horsemen, based on the movie ‘Now you see me. Now you don’t’ and the IRMSA Horsemen became the cast of “Now you see risk, and now you don’t”. A very creative and fun Master Class became the stage for huge learning, amazing stories and a new take on risk management and the impact it has on organisations.</p>

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<p>IRMSA once again invites you to join the 5 IRMSA Horsemen as they reflect on the current COVID-19 Pandemic and share the three basic ingredients that result in resilience: strategy, risk management and business continuity management.</p>

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<p>Executed in isolation, they will have no effect. Only by tightly integrating them can resilience be achieved.</p>

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<p><strong>Members:</strong> R 850.00 (ex VAT)<br><strong>Non-Members:</strong> R 1245.00 (ex VAT)</p>

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<p><strong>Time</strong>: 08h00-11h00</p>

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<p>See below a few excerpts from the 2017 Master Class where the IRMSA Horsemen took us through a dramatic morning of “Now you see the Risk, and now you don’t”.</p>

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<h2>Secure your seat</h2>

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<h3><a href=";group=">Click here to book now</a></h3>

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<p>Resilient organisations are able to rapidly recover from sudden disruption or sustained interruption of their operational continuity. This means they can return their focus to their strategy for development and resume growth much sooner than they otherwise would. Resilience is therefore a highly desirable capability for any business to possess, especially in these extraordinary times. But how does a company become resilient?</p>

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<p>The Horsemen, from experience, know that no matter what other steps are taken, these core topics must be addressed: monitoring failures, managing complexity, anticipatory thinking, questioning assumptions, understanding capability and criticality, listening, creativity and innovation, and adaptive decision making.</p>

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<p>Using the landing of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson will again form the basis of our Master Class – it will be an unforgettable learning experience!</p>

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<p>Whether you are a multi-national organisation or a person on a plane, your objectives face internal and external factors that create uncertainty as to if, when and how they will be met or surpassed. Objectives give insight into your purpose and articulate what you want to achieve. If constructed properly, objectives reflect your values and may explicitly or implicitly reflect on the stakeholders you have an impact on and those that may be impacted by you.</p>

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<p>Because risk is all about the uncertainty on your objectives (ISO31000), it is therefore critical that you have an effective risk management framework to ensure your “survival”.</p>

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Outlook Edition: 2023

Our own local woes, with load shedding, crime and unemployment set the stage for another year where agility and adversity management will be key to survival. Our January issue is packed with interesting thoughts on the year to come, the challenges and the opportunities that we face.

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