April 27, 2020

Freedom Day 2020

<h2>I wish all the people of our country a Freedom Day worth celebrating.</h2>

I thank God for the miracle that was 1994 and thank everyone for their contribution to the peaceful change that happened. Some people died, some were persecuted, millions were dehumanised and humiliated and millions were misled and indoctrinated. Some just said YES on election day, but all played their part.

The work is however not done. As Mandela said: “As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality still exists in our world, none of us can truly rest”.

<strong>"We are all in this together"</strong> has become a global mantra in the fight against a virus wreaking havoc in every corner of the world. COVID-19 and the lockdown have highlighted, once again, not only the untenable inequality in the world and in our country but also the importance of realising the impact of the fact that we are all in this world together. All of a sudden, even the wealthy have difficulty receiving appropriate treatment, because facilities are flooded. All of a sudden healthcare facilities have to provide undiscriminated services to all, rich and poor. All of a sudden businesses cannot operate because labour is not available. Now we suddenly realise that the poor have never been fairly factored in when considering how society functions. The poor have simply been seen as a commodity to be accommodated for the benefit of the "not so poor" and the wealthy.

All of a sudden the daily survival challenges of the poor are thrust upon, not only the wealthy, but also the "not so poor". All of a sudden we realise how the poor are clearly living from day to day, from hand to mouth. How utterly unprepared they are for emergencies. COVID-19 might be a global and national emergency, spurring us into mass assistance action, but for the poor, in one way or another, this is nothing new. They wake up every morning, dependent on the outcome of that particular day for their survival. We see them by the side of the road, hoping for another day's meagre wage, taking whatever job comes their way. According to the statistics, most days will not produce the meagre wage and most days will not have the mass assistance provided by COVID-19.

COVID-19 will pass and we will run to our family and friends, we will celebrate at our favourite restaurants and open that bottle of special wine we have been waiting for, but for the poor it will be just another day. Just another day of uncertainty as to how I am going to feed myself and my children today.

Learning from this unprecedented event should not only entail making sure we have enough reserves stashed away for a Black Swan event, or that we prepare our staff to be able to work from home.

Our preparation should also focus on rebalancing the scales of inequality that has been exposed during this crisis. Eradicating inequality is not about ensuring everyone is equal. It is about providing everyone with equal opportunity, ensuring everyone has an equal shot at achieving their dreams, whether it is to be a motor mechanic, a barista or an accountant, and ensuring they can have a sustainable existence ,if they are diligent and deliver value to their clients.

All it takes is what we have given during this crisis - extending a bit of humanity and giving of our excess. It is about thinking about others and extending a hand of compassion.

Equality comes with responsibility from both sides. Nelson mandela, being the balanced person that he always was, said it so well:

<strong>On the one hand we can all make a difference</strong>

<em>"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead"</em>

<strong>but at the same time it is about creating our own success</strong>

<em>"Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do"</em>

As we celebrate Freedom Day during lockdown, remember that we are not locked up, we are free in every way that matters.

<strong>Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika!!</strong>

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