November 26, 2020

Momentum's Science of Success Festival brings a fresh perspective to financial well-being

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<p>The 2020 Science of Success Festival, recently held in Johannesburg, brought a fresh perspective to household financial wellness using data and insights from the Momentum Unisa Household Financial Wellness Insights report in an accessible and unconventional way. </p>

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<p>Now, in its second year, the festival is a long-term commitment to the financial success of South Africans, seeking to enable and empower households to take on a positive outlook of their financial futures. It is an opportunity to take back financial control for all, a call to overcome barriers to success and provides a platform to broaden the understanding of financial advice.</p>

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<p>The Momentum Unisa Household Financial Wellness Insights report serves as the backbone of the festival as it seeks to provide South Africans with an in-depth look at the state of their homes; it stands as a tool that sharpens our awareness and gives us new angles and solutions to progress. </p>

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<p>“The lockdown prevented many workers from working and earning an income, or searching for work. At the same time, many companies could not produce and sell their goods and services,” the report reads.</p>

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<p>It is against this backdrop that the Science of Success Festival was held, to provide some much-need support and motivation to households around the country, many of whom are desperately looking for ways to build a better future for themselves.</p>

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<p>The festival is organised by trusted financial wellness partner, Momentum, whose aim is to bring attention to the way in which behavioural patterns can affect – either accelerate or decelerate – your financial health. It is a beckoning call for South Africans to take an active role in the “better tomorrow” that they envision for themselves, taking into account that finances are a big part of elevating one’s life.</p>

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<p>It is Momentum’s life-long goal to be the biggest supporter of everyone’s journey to success, enabling progress through offering sound financial partnership and products that stand citizens in good stead for their future.</p>

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<p>At the Science of Success Festival, the brand called upon a number of financial and success experts to remind everyone that adopting positive behaviours toward money matters will enable people to achieve their goals and aspirations.  The information was packaged in an engaging way that provided sensory and experiential moments that were rolled out in an “un-conference conference” style, bringing a fresh perspective to household finances. </p>

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<p>“The wellbeing of households’ financial standings has been negatively affected by COVID-19 but Momentum, as a progressive optimist and knowledgeable expert, believes that there is always a silver lining when it comes to financial planning. With the right financial knowledge and professional expert advice, people can turn things around for themselves and their families,” said Chief Group Marketing Officer of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings, Nontokozo Madonsela.</p>

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<p>“An integral part of success and the planning thereof, is getting sound financial advice from a trusted source. You need to establish a partnership built on advice and financial solutions. With the right financial knowledge, professional advice and new angles to smart money management, people can turn their lives around. And that’s what we’re about at Momentum, expanding your outlook and introducing you to enlightening and unique views toward the management of finances,” Madonsela said.</p>

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<p>“We are a brand that stands for enabling success by partnering with our clients to help them achieve the financial ambitions they envision for themselves. And that is why we put this festival together, for South Africans to know that we are here for everyone’s journey to success,” Madonsela concluded.</p>

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