May 14, 2024

Argantic's blueprint for AI preparedness

By: Garry Ackerman, CEO Argantic

Companies must be vigilant in their preparations for the inevitable shifts that accompany each new technological advancement. At the heart of this revolution lies artificial intelligence (AI), a force that promises both boundless potential and considerable peril.

Argantic CEO Garry Ackerman says while AI holds the key to unlocking unprecedented efficiencies and insights, it also poses significant risks if not wielded with caution. "Horror stories abound of individuals accessing information they should not have, facilitated by the seemingly omniscient capabilities of AI."

"Businesses, long accustomed to relying on the obscurity of certain data access points, must now confront the reality that AI can circumvent these barriers with ease, potentially leading to chaos and compromise," he explains.

However, AI is just one facet of the broader technological revolution reshaping our world. The convergence of various technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality, and blockchain, heralds a new era where the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres blur into insignificance.

He says this convergence presents both challenges and opportunities for organisations seeking to navigate this brave new world. "True preparedness for the technological revolution extends beyond simply enabling AI. Instead, it advocates for a comprehensive approach that encompasses all facets of an organisation's infrastructure, operations, and workforce."

With a rich history rooted in IT engineering and development, Argantic has been at the forefront of guiding businesses through the tumultuous seas of technological change.

Central to this approach is the need to prepare the organisational environment for the demands of the digital age. While cloud migration has long been heralded as a panacea for modernising IT infrastructure, many companies have faltered in completing this migration journey.

Ackerman emphasises the importance of completing migration efforts, citing the limitations of on-premises data in fully harnessing the power of AI and other emerging technologies. "By systematically transitioning identity, security, email, communication tools, data, and applications to the cloud, organisations lay the foundation for seamless integration with AI-driven solutions."

Arguably the most crucial aspect of preparation lies in data management. Data, the lifeblood of modern organisations, holds the key to unlocking AI's transformative potential. However, improper handling of data can lead to unintended consequences and security breaches.

Argantic advocates for comprehensive data preparation measures, including access control, classification, tagging, archival strategies, and leveraging cloud-based data protection and compliance tools. Furthermore, companies must train AI to understand their data effectively, enabling contextually relevant insights and decision-making capabilities.

More importantly, the company underscores the importance of preparing the human element within organisations. While AI promises to revolutionise workflows and processes, its effectiveness ultimately hinges on the skill and adaptability of the individuals tasked with utilising it.

"Companies must identify key stakeholders and tailor training programs to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to leverage AI effectively. Moreover, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration can accelerate AI adoption and maximise its impact across the organisation," he concludes.

By embracing a holistic approach to preparation, encompassing environment, data, and people, organisations can position themselves to thrive in this era of technological upheaval.

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